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Mic Test...

#(・ヘ・) #What'd I learn? Note: I learned: - There aren't any stupid questions. Don't be afraid to ask on IRC. People just want to help! I inherently have anxiety online, and I was originally intimidated to ask questions that I thought might be too basic, but that's the whole point of the internship right? - Take a lot of opinions on the way. Getting reviews incrementally can let you do things right the first time. - One and Done. Get all the info you need so you can do a task and not need to revisit it.
##[≡]〆(・∀・@) #Q&A # \#interns Note: ##Dashboard - Currently caches dictionaries used for visualization and shelves file - Will implement database - Would redo with angular rather than jquery, but libraries. - Want to add devices to data too, but more scraping - Quick lookup test health. ##Lab - Made a script to standardize setup - Puppet and other options are being looked into. - Network install took too long to setup with deadline ##Testing - Handled some issues, but mostly Jenkins and bugzilla
# Will there be plans to include what device a job was run on? Note: Yes, I want to add the ability to see what device a job ran on to determine device issues.
# Will you include device health itself also? e.g. see how a particular device is doing across tests. Note: Yes, that is anotter good point for adding different views not available in Jenkins.
# Will the ammeters be as precise as the current perf tests that report to TBPL? Note: I don't have enough information to answer that question.
## \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/ #Thanks Mozilla!